Ogden Midsummer Madness

Last night, on a chilly but sunny evening, 26 runners took on the slightly bonkers, but stunningly beautiful Ogden Midsummer Madness.  It's a fundraiser, organised by Halifax Harriers, for the upkeep of paths around the Ogden Water Local Nature Reserve. This is the venue for the popular Giant's Tooth fell race and training ground for many West Yorkshire runners, so the low turnout was a little disappointing ... though the mid June fixture list is pretty well packed and we had the ever popular Joe Percy race in Huddersfield taking a good number of potential competitors away.

Nontheless, those that did turn up enjoyed fabulous conditions and a course that gives you a little bit of everything from the Pennine fell running menu: undulations, steep climbs, steep technical descents, woodland, ravines, tussocks, fallen trees, stream crossings, a super fast last km and, even when well flagged, a navigational challenge. 

Open winner was Andrew Stemp of Pudsey and Bramley in 29 mins 15 secs, but he was pushed all the way by Halifax Boxing Club youngster Joshua Casey.... an impressive talent and barely 16. Veteran Wharfie Christian Holmes was a beaming third, with course record holder Ben Crowther (Halifax Harriers) in 4th (returning from injury). Tom Paget also represented Harriers.

Rachel Helen Pilling was first lady back, making it a double win for P&B with Wharfedale's Lucy Needham in second place. There were some notable battles among the minor places, Graham Pilling (P&B), Michael Gradwell (Saddlewoprth), Mark O'Connor (CVFR) and Joshua Collins (Halifax Boxing Club) all duking it out over the 5kms and 900 feet of climbing. 

Geoff Thompson demonstrated why a throrough recce of the course is recommended, finishing as first Vet 60 and ahead of two boxing club youngsters who took a scenic, but rather longer route. 

As usual the finish and the Causeway Foot pub afterwards were all about the smiles, and the verdicts on the route "Brilliant", "Brutal", "Mental" "Fun" "Crazy" and "Awesome" were all heard. I'll not mention the prizes though.

Hopefully next year we'll have a few more runners to give it their best shot.  

Photo of Rachel Helen Pilling (Pudsey & Bradley)

Stanza Stones Ultra

The Stanza Stones Ultra is a 50 mile linear route, with over 6800ft of ascent, connecting the towns of Marsden and Ilkley in the South Pennines. The route visits all six Stanza Stones which are host to 6 poems about the theme of water and its different forms that influences life in the area.

Snow, Rain, Mist, Dew, Puddle and Beck are poems carved into rocks and placed along the route.

Will Carver finished in 10:26:18 and Tom Paget in 12:30:59. Well done both! What an amazing achievement and the scenery looks stunning.

Fantastic Turnout At Northowrun5

There was a fantastic turnout at this morning’s NorthowRun5 with 22 Harriers amongst the 181 runners in the latest race in the club’s Road Race Championships. Conditions were good with clear blue skies and a moderate, cooling breeze. The five mile road course was described by organisers, Northowram Pumas, as ‘undulating’ (Yorkshire for ‘hilly’ in my experience!). Profits from the race went to the charity, Andy’s Man Club.

There was a very closely fought battle between Will Stewart and James Franklin to be the first Harrier home. Will (32:14) just pipped James (32:19) to the line with the pair finishing fifth and sixth overall respectively. Next in was the first of our ladies, Sarah Cumber, who finished third female in 14th overall, and was first F50, in 33:33. April Stewart was the fourth female finisher in 34:55 in 18th overall.

Rob Hick (M65) and Rachel Standish (F40) both placed second in their age groups with Paul Hopkinson (M65) and Deborah Kirkbride (F60) finishing third in their categories.

Great performances from all our runners. Full results can be found on our website under Recent Races.