Training Sessions

Day Age Training Time
Tuesday Children: Age 8 to school Year 6 Track and Field 18.00-18:50
Tuesday / Thursday Juniors Year 7 and above Track and Field 19.00-20:15
Tuesdays in Winter Year 7 and above and Seniors Road Circuits - these are hard so a good level of fitness is required 19:00-20:15
Tuesday / Thursday Seniors Track and Field 19.00-20:15
Tuesday / Thursday Seniors Group 1 Road 18:45-20:15
Tuesday / Thursday Seniors Group 2 Road 18.45-20:15
Tuesday / Thursday Seniors Group 3 Road and Trail 18.45-20:15
Tuesday Couch to 5k. Course now completed. Road 18:00-19:00
Thursday Seniors: Group 5 (Meet in the bottom car park) Road and Trail 18.00-19:30
Saturday 5k Improvers Group - Seniors only. Track 09:00-10:00
Saturday There is a £2 charge for all Saturday Track sessions Track 09:00:10:00

Road Running Training Groups

Couch to 5k (Course Completed)

Leaders: Jude Baines and Jenny St Romaine
This is a ten week course aimed at beginners and those who have run in the past and would like to run again. We charge £10 for the course which is discounted against club membership if you decide to join the Harriers at the end of the course. The next C25k course starts on Tuesday 19th September 2023 at 6pm and runs for 10 weeks. If you are interested in joining in, please email Jude -

Group 1

Leaders: Jude and Jenny, assisted by Martin, Keith and Michelle
If you are confident in running 3 miles or more you are welcome to come down on any training night. Training runs are approximately 3 to 5 miles to suit the group, with an average pace of 12 minutes/mile. Suitable for anyone running a 10k in 63 minutes plus, or a 5k in 30 minutes plus. Ideally runners should have completed a parkrun prior to joining this group.

Group 2

Leaders: Group 2 Co-ordinator Debbie. Other Group 2 leaders are Chris, Jenny, Martin and David P.
Runs are at a steady pace for the runner who would like to build stamina, speed and confidence. Training runs are approximately 5.5 to 6.5 miles with short stops throughout the run to re-group as required, with an average pace of 10 minutes/mile. Suitable for anyone running a 10km in 56 to 62 minutes.

Group 1/2 training runs for October

Group 3

Leaders: Group 3 Co-ordinator Jonny. Other Group 3 leaders are Wayne, Sarah and Margaret.
Runs are at a faster pace for the runner who are regularly entering races and are looking to improve their speed and endurance. Training runs are approximately 6.5 to 7.5 miles with stops to re-group as required, with an average pace of 9 minutes/mile. Suitable for anyone running a sub 56 minute 10k.

Group 3 training runs for October

Group 4 - Postponed at at the moment

Leaders: Ryan, Rachael and Tim
Group 4 is postponed at the moment. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This group is for intermediate level runners.Training will be aimed at improving 10k and half marathon times. Runs are approximately 7.5 to 9 miles with stops to re-group as required. The average pace will be 8 minutes/mile Tuesday is track based training at Spring Hall in the summer and with the option of road circuits in the winter. Suitable for anyone running a 10k in 46 mins or faster.

Group 5

Leaders: Sarah C, Ryan, Steve
7:00pm on Tuesdays for track work/road circuits and 6:00pm Thursdays is out on the road or trails at a steady / fast pace for the competitive runner. (Suitable for all distances from 10k to marathons). Thursday runs are about 9 miles with stops to re-group as required at an average pace of 7 to 7:30 minutes/mile. Suitable for anyone running a 10k in 45 minutes or faster. For the Thursday road session, please meet in the bottom car park.

Road Circuits and 5K and 2.5K Time Trials

During the winter months there is the option of road circuits for juniors aged 11 and over and seniors, subject to the availability of coaches and volunteers. These take place on Tuesdays at 7pm, meeting at the track. These sessions are hard and a good level of fitness is required. The Harriers 5k (and 2.5k junior) time trials takes place on the second Tuesday of every month at 7:00pm during the winter months from December. Results are posted on the website and we maintain a ladder for Senior Men, Senior Women and Juniors so participants can asses their progress.

The course is a 2 lap route which starts with a fast down hill section on Kensington Road, turning left into Birdcage Lane and then left up the path adjacent to Skircoat Moor Road.

Another left turn along Rocks Road, and then right up Kensington Road continuing round onto Skircoat Moor Road again, and then following the road down Albert Promenade.

The route turns left again into Rocks Road, then right down Kensington Road, turning right onto Birgcage Lane for the final push up Albert Promenade, turning right again into Rocks Road and back to the start. That's one lap! This route is repeated to complete the 5k time trial.

Track Mile Time Trials Junior Time Trial Rankings up to December 2019 Senior Time Trial Rankings up to December 2019
map showing five k time trial route