Track And Cafe Closed 5th To 9th August

Just to let you know that Spring Hall Track and the Cafe are closed all next week (5th to 9th August). There will be no junior or senior track training at all that week and any senior road groups will have to meet elsewhere. Road group leaders will inform you of any revised arrangements via Facebook and WhatsApp groups if these are in place. Group 3 will meet at the chippy on the moor and there will be no Group 2 training runs this week.


The closure is to allow building work to take place at the school.


Summer Handicap 2024

18 runners took part in this year's Summer Handicap on the traditional route of the Hebble Trail and on the canal to Sowerby Bridge and back. Johnny Lister took top spot with a time of 54.26 (47.26). Second place went to John Greenwood in 57.51 (57.51) with last years winner Keith Lemon coming in third in 60.25 (46.25). The fastest actual time was by Amy Radford in 45 mins 38 seconds. This was the first ever 10k run for some of the Group 1 runners so well done to them. The evening was rounded off with snacks and refreshments at the side of the track. Thanks to everyone who took part and everyone who helped out on the night. 

The full results can be found on the Recent Races tab of this website.


Endure 24 - Bramham Park

Harriers descend on Bramham Park for the Endure 24-hour race
A group of Halifax Harriers travelled to Bramham Park at the weekend to take part in the annual Leeds Endure 24. This is the UK’s biggest 24 hour relay race where the 8km route combines undulating hills with scenic luscious woodland. Along the course, runners pass key landmarks like the Lead Lads Temple, Roundhouse, and the historic Bramham Park Estate.

The event runs from Friday through to Sunday and runners can enter as teams, pairs or as individuals. The junior run took place on the Friday; Ben Slow, was first home, with Oscar Thornton coming third - congratulations to both!

The main race started at 12 noon on Saturday and finished at 12 noon, 24 hours later, on Sunday. The Harriers had four teams and 4 solo runners in the race this year. The weather for the event was mixed with warm spells and some showers thrown in. Apart from the occasional overnight downpour which made the course slippery in parts, the mixed weather did not phase the runners as they had plenty of tree cover along much of the route.

Team 1 (Team HH), managed by Sharon Cousen, had Sharon, Fiona Murphy, Hazel Berrett, Andrea Ackroyd and Jane Curwen. They completed 27 laps, with a total distance of 216 km. 

Team 2 (The Squashed Runners) comprised Richard Corney, Sue Corney, Fiona Ellam, Louise Briggs and Penny Bottomley and they completed 26 laps of the 8 km route, totalling 208 kilometers. 

Team 3, (The Jets) led by Ellen Limebear comprised Ellen, Tim Slow, Jack Melia and Sunny Curwen. Their collective distance was 200km (25 laps). 

The 4th Halifax team (Ardley athletic) led by captain Nigel Rigg comprised Nigel, Keith Midgley, Martin Haigh and Heath Reilly. The team covered 192km (24 laps) of which Nigel contributed 72km. Martin said the most satisfying part of the race was on the 4am leg when dawn was breaking and the birds were singing.

In the solo category, Paul and Jenny Hopkinson worked together and completed a credible 12 laps (96 km). Nigel Jamieson completed his solo run also with 12 laps (96 km) under his belt. The third solo competitor from the Harriers was Keith Lemon who was extremely proud of his achievement of 14 laps (112 km).

807 runners completed the event in the female, male, mixed and non-binary categories. The event is not just about the gruelling running though as the event village was well stocked with food outlets, a beer tent and many stalls providing merchandise for the runners. All in all, a great weekend of running, camaraderie and friendship was had by the Harriers team – bring on the 2025 event!