Surprise Homecoming For Club’s Olympian

Max Burgin, a member of Halifax Harriers Athletics club was invited to start the club’s Track and Field championships at their Spring Hall running track on 10th September. The venue was packed with young athletes, their parents and senior runners as Max started the first junior race. He then signed autographs for the young athletes and presented a trophy to the under 11 team who had recently won the West Yorkshire Track and Field competition. Max also congratulated two athletes who had come first and second in the under 11 individual scorings, Sean Duffy and Harry Brown respectively.

Proceedings were then paused as host for the evening, Harriers’ Martin Haigh, reminded the gathered audience that Max reached the final of the 800 metres at the Paris Olympics last month. Max got to the final by coming third in the semi-final in a personal best time of 1 minute, 43.5 seconds. Martin said, “when we see one of our athletes attending an international competition, all we can ask is for them to do their best and you can’t get better than attaining a PB!”

Martin then introduced Calderdale Councillor Danielle Durrans, the Cabinet Lead for Public Services and Communities, which includes sport. Danielle said that she was incredibly proud of what Max had achieved and was highly encouraged by the friendliness and warmth of the Halifax Harriers. The social media team from CMBC Culturedale were also present to interview some of the athletes and to capture content for their website.

The icing on the cake of the evening was when club President, Keith Midgley said a few empowering, heartfelt words to Max and then presented him with a special award from the club in recognition of his amazing achievements at the Paris Olympics. Max responded by thanking everyone for supporting him on his journey to becoming an Olympian.

Max now goes on to altitude training in preparation for the next round of top competitions and we are sure that he has inspired the young athletes in the club who will perhaps, one day, become Olympians too.

Marsden & High Peak 40

Marsden Trail Half Marathon

Four Halifax Harriers travelled to Marsden this weekend to take part in the ‘Magnificent Marsden Madness’ trail half marathon, with 1700ft of elevation.

The route involved two laps, starting on Binn lane and heading up past Butterley and Blakeley reservoir and then turning off onto the Pennine way and heading up again onto the waterlogged and windswept moor.  

The Harriers braved blustery headwinds and horizontal rain with the normally stunning views hidden in the clagg. After passing Blackmoss reservoir the Harriers made their way down the aptly named strava segment ‘Slabba Dabba Doo!’. Then, the route makes its way to Mount road for a fast descent with the wind now in their favour.  

First back was Fred Carver in an impressive 1h47 mins, in First place overall, next Andrea Ackroyd, Kirsty Carver and Jenny St Romaine.  A great effort by all in some challenging conditions.  Well done everyone and a good half marathon to use as a base for easier races.

High Peak 40

A 40 mile ultra race in the place where I grew up.  Super fun to run round this lovely landscape. 

Starting in Buxton, pavilion gardens and running across to Fernilee reservoir, Chinley, New Smithy and up to Mam Tor, Hollins Cross and down to Castleton and then up Cave Dale on the Limestone way, though the Monsall trail and back to Buxton.  What a fab run and route - thank you High Peak 40 Mile Challenge.