Tatton Park, Knutsford, WA16 6SG.

Closing date for entries: Sunday 19th January 2024.

Details on Cross Country page HERE

Flat PB Course.This race fills up quickly. Entries open 10am 12th Nov - ENTER HERE

Parliament Hill Fields, London.

Closing date for entries: Friday 31st January 2025.

Details on Cross Country page HERE

We are booking Barden Bunk Barn in Skipton for 2 nights Friday 28th Feb 2025. New location! Bedding and towels included. https://www.thebarnatbarden.com/

Lovely location…price depends on how many can come:

Maximum 18 = £69

15 = £83

12 = £103

10 = £124.5

They have kindly held it for me until the end of the week without a deposit so if you are interested please get in touch with me by Friday morning (15th November) for a weekend of fun - drinks, pub meal, running, walking & yoga! (Any combination!)

If we get enough interest without it being too expensive we can pay the deposit,

Email carverkirsty@gmail.com


The 9th Harriers Annual Quiz will once again be at the Kovenhabn bar in Halifax. Limited to 12 teams of 4 so get your names down now. Further details to follow.

Eston Leisure Centre, Middlesborough.

If you would like your child to be considered, contact Deb Greenwood on debmgreenwood@gmail.com

Thornes Park, Wakefield

Online entry details to follow.

Hold the date in your diary. Requests for Marshalls and runners coming soon.

We organise this race. Details to follow.

The ever popular club trip to Majorca will be from Wednesday 15th October to Wednesday 22nd October. An email was sent to all members on 26th November with all the details.